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  • Speaking and Listening



    The fundamental priority for all pupils at the Bridge School is the development of their understanding and communication. Alongside and building on this is the development of the skills and knowledge that may lead to early reading and writing skills.

    At the Bridge School, we recognise and understand that the fundamental foundation for communication and development of reading and writing is the understanding of language. Therefore, the development of speaking, listening and understanding is a key cross curricular priority for all pupils at the Bridge.

    At the Bridge School we focus on:

    • Receptive language – The ability to understand words or sentences and underpinning foundational learning such as contextual and routine understanding, representational use of symbols, photographs, objects etc.
    • Expressive language – The language that we use to convey our thoughts, emotions, or needs. This may include speech, facial and body reactions/gestures and alternative and augmentative communication. This may be pre-intentional or intentional.

    We use bespoke, sequenced, small-step descriptors that outline the key knowledge and skills in speaking and listening – See the ‘English Speaking/Communication – Subject Specific Skills and Knowledge Progression’ document below. These descriptors provide an easy to use, aspirational framework that ensures all pupils make progress in what they know, what they can do and what they can remember.

    Focus is placed on increasing pupil’s understanding and ability to use a wide range of vocabulary. Teachers create opportunities across the whole curriculum for pupils to experience new language in multi-sensory ways, to embed the language to their memory, allowing them to comment, request, describe using this vocabulary in a range of contexts.

    Pupils are supported by a wide range of engaging learning opportunities to develop their listening and attention skills and facilitate their communication/ speaking skills. Class teachers select identified evidence-based research strategies and programmes to create many opportunities for developing these fundamental skills. These strategies are found in our school English Policy and Inclusive Communication strategy document.

    Examples of our work in Speaking and Listening!

    Curriculum Progression Maps

    There is a curriculum progression map in place for all subjects. These can be discussed with Sam Bourton (Curriculum Lead) on request.