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  • Design and Technology

    Subject Coordinators: Jenny Jones and Chloe Edwards


    Exploration is at the core of our D & T curriculum at The Bridge School. We encourage pupils to explore the world around them, in a way that is purposeful and meaningful to them.

    Our D & T curriculum allows pupils access a wide range of creative and exciting planned activities to extend and build on known interests and motivations. Pupils have access to a wide range of motivating and engaging multi-sensory activities to facilitate their learning and develop their practical D & T skills.

    Within all D & T lessons, pupils consistently have opportunities to extend their learning. Practitioners provide differentiated support to promote skills and knowledge that are sequenced and progressive, scaffolding pupils’ next steps. The D& T lessons enhances their creativity and provides opportunities for pupils to make their own products relating to motivating themes and meaningful contexts. Pupils are encouraged to consider their own and others’ needs and wants, at an appropriate level.

    At The Bridge School, we use bespoke, sequenced, small-step descriptors that outline the key knowledge and skills within D&T. These descriptors provide an easy to use, aspirational framework that ensures all pupils make progress in what they know, what they can do and what they can remember.

    Across all subjects and at all key stages, the overall intent is that the pupil engages, achieves, and makes the most personal progress they can over time to enable them to have the most fulfilling, enjoyable, and independent life possible.

    Programmes of Study

    Key Stage 1 
    Term Autumn (History) Spring (Geography)

    Summer (D&T) 

    Programme 1

    Local History - The Victorians United Kingdom




    Programme 2

    Famous People The Locality of the School 

    Eat More Fruit and Vegetables

    Key Stage 2 
    Term Autumn (History) Spring (Geography)

    Summer (D&T)

    Programme 1

    Tudor Times and Events Holidays - The Coast

    Joseph’s Coat


    Programme 2

    Ancient Egyptians The Locality of the School

    Sandwich Snacks


    Programme 3

    Local History - The Romans United Kingdom

    Containers for a Purpose


    Programme 4  Aztecs The Locality of the School 


    Examples of our work in D&T!

    Curriculum Progression Map

    There is a curriculum progression map in place for all subjects. These can be discussed with Sam Bourton (Curriculum Lead) on request. 

    Subject Policy

    All policies are regularly updated and the latest version of any policy is available on request.