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  • Parent/Carer Courses

    Class teachers and members of school leadership team provide support for parents/carers in supporting their children and their progress in partnership. 

    Alongside the bespoke support we have offered a range of courses in the academic year 2021-2022, some on-line and some face to face as restrictions lifted. Over years, feedback on courses to support parent/carers has been very positive.

    Courses over time have included:

    Makaton accredited courses for parent/carer.
    Safe principles for moving and handling and manual handling
    Accessing the internet.
    Using communication aids
    Eye Gaze
    Musical Technology
    Teaching various subjects
    Development of physical skills 
    Developing early language and communication - led by Speech and Language Therapists.
    Sensory integration principles
    Teaching of reading and phonics
    Developing writing skills
    Positive behaviour strategies
    Use of structured visual resources to support pupil in understanding and transition.
    Challenges of adolescence 

    We ask parents/carers to let us know if there are specific courses that they would find useful. 

    Examples of feedback has included:

    Makaton accredited course:

    • 100% found the course very useful

    Comments included:

    • It gives a way to communicate with my son and a better understanding
    • Expanded our knowledge of Makaton
    • We are using signs daily and we are learning new signs.
    • I can make my son's life easier for him through signs

    Parent comments from various other courses included:

    • It gave me ideas on how to teach my non-verbal child about phonics and how to validate that they understand me.
    • I learnt that I have to look after myself as well as my child.
    • It was nice to chat with other parents about our concerns and realise we all have the same worries.
    • I only really thought that reading started with books, I didn't think about sight or hearing elements. I now realise everything that my child does involves the first signs of reading.

    After the success of this year’s programme of training with parents/carers, we are going to continue to offer a number of courses this year. The feedback from the sessions this year were all highly positive.

    The following are provisional dates. Booking forms will be sent out closer to the time. m.

    Our pupils have a range of needs. Not all of the sessions will match your child’s needs although you can come to the sessions if you are interested. If you are not sure if the session will be something that would support you with your child then please just contact Julie Goddard in school and she will know or will find out.

    Booking forms will be sent out closer to the time but the list below gives you advance notice in case you want to pop the dates into your diaries. The dates will be fixed as below unless for any reason there is something we cannot control e.g. the trainer being absent etc.  We will also confirm when on the booking forms if sessions are face to face (and venue) or on Teams.

    Our pupils have a range of needs. Not all of the sessions will match your child’s needs although you can come to the sessions if you are interested. If you are not sure if the session will be something that would support you with your child then please just contact Julie Goddard in school and she will know or will find out.




    Wednesday 5th October


    EYFS Coffee morning

    Wednesday 12th October


    Welcome to the Primary Department

    Friday 21st October


    Welcome to the Secondary Department

    Monday 31st October


    Sleep management course

    Thursday 24th November



    Phonics session/Reading

    Do you want to know more about Phonics?

    Exploring reading with our pupils.

    Monday 28th November


    An introduction to the picture exchange system, including communication books

    Provisional dates to be confirmed:

    Friday 13th Jan, 20th Jan, 27th Jan, 3rd Feb


    Makaton for beginners

    The course and the manuals are funded by our school for our parents and carers. Parents/carer will get an attendance certificate. All dates must be attended to complete the course.

    Tuesday 10th January


    Parent Sensory Experience – how to use multi-sensory activities to engage pupils in learning

    Wednesday 11th January


    Using different ways to support communication e.g. pictures and technology

    Monday 16th January


    Parent Basic ICT session

    Wednesday 18th January


    EYFS Coffee morning

    Monday 27th February


    Primary Coffee morning

    Thursday 2nd March


    Developing pupils writing including mark making

    Friday 10th March


    Secondary coffee morning

    Monday 13th March


    An introduction to Intensive Interaction

    Friday 17th March


    Parent session

    “Sharing the Curriculum”

    Want to know more about the curriculum and what we do? Come along today and we will share how we teach Science.

    Tuesday 21st March


    How to engage children in books and stories

    Monday 27th March


    Exploring Number and Counting on

    Provisional date to be confirmed:

    Wednesday 26th April


    Makaton refresher session for parents/carers who have already completed the beginner’s course.

    Friday 28th April


    Parent internet safety session

    Provisional date to be confirmed:

    Thursday 4th May


    Makaton follow up course

    Friday 5th May


    Secondary coffee morning

    Thursday 30th June


    EYFS/Primary coffee morning

    There will be:

    • Challenges of Adolescence Course running in the summer term
    • Supporting pupils behaviour again in the summer term
    • Communication skills and understanding delivered by Speech and Language Therapy team  

    Dates for these courses will be sent out when we are able to confirm

    There will be other things we may add to the list during the year and we will tell you about these as they arise. The sessions above are ones that are currently planned. If there is something you think would be useful but we have not included in the programme then please just let us know and we can see if it something we can do.