Spring 2025
Welcome back to the new term. There are lots of exciting activities that have been planned to experience and work on across the curriculum and there is an overview of these outlined below. If at any time you need to contact us, a note in the Home School Diary or a phone call will ensure we receive your message. We look forward to welcoming pupils back and we will keep you up to date with any other information throughout the term.
Below are some of the books that pupils may be accessing this term:
- The Journey Home from Grandpa’s by Jemima Lumley and Sophie Fatus.
- The Train Ride by June Crebbin and Stephen Lambert.
The books will be accompanied by a range of props and activities to support multisensory delivery. Weekly English sessions will incorporate pupil outcomes and individual objectives. Pupils will also access specific phonics sessions each week at a level appropriate to their needs.
Pupils will partake in activities to help them develop their understanding of the properties of objects, use of their senses, problem solving skills and their early attention and awareness skills. Where appropriate pupils will be accessing number activities to develop their counting skills and recognition of numbers through varying activities. Other activities may include sorting/matching, pattern, colour and texture if appropriate.
In PE, pupils will focus on the fundamental skills of movement including the three main areas: method of movement, balance and object control. Pupils will interact with a variety of PE equipment suitable to their needs. Apparatus will be used where appropriate to encourage pupils to explore different movements.
In addition to our PE unit, pupils will continue to do some form of physical activity every day.
Health and safety is paramount to all activities.
Pupils will experience and develop their understanding of plants during the term.
They will engage in sensory activities that enable them to explore the different properties of plants and there will also be exploration into different growing conditions for plants too.
There will be opportunities to grow beans/cress plants and explore planting/watering. There will also be the opportunity to smell/feel a variety of different plants and identify them using communication support where appropriate.
Pupils will experience a range of interventions such as drama games, Sherborne Movement and Musical Interaction.
Pupils will also explore the theme of ‘Emotions’. They will explore a range of emotions through music and shared time; taking part in activities designed to promote feelings such as being relaxed when using a foot spa.
Pupils will explore the theme ‘Journeys’. They may carry out varying techniques relating to drawing and painting. Pupils can experience a range of tools and materials and ways to apply them.
Pupils will focus on the theme ‘The Classics’ in music sessions. Pupils will practice music skills through activities such as body percussion, use of musical instruments, songs and will experience a range of classical music.
Pupils will explore the theme ‘Biscuits’. They will explore different types of biscuit through multisensory activities. Where appropriate, pupils will design, make and decorate their own biscuits.
Religious Education
Pupils will experience multisensory activities in relation to the Islamic faith such as music, clothing and sharing food. Pupils will engage in activities relating to Quran stories. They will also look at special events such as weddings.
Pupils will be looking at the theme ‘Computer Science’ and will be experiencing this through varying activities such as switch work, accessing specialised software or hardware, specific computer/app-based programmes and sensory rooms. Pupils will work on appropriate specific skills within the unit e.g. pressing a switch/using a touch screen.